“A blueprint for how to combine disparate genres into one cogent sound. Mirana’s vocals further establish TOT as a very special act.”
- Neu FuturHaunting vocals, brutally honest lyrics, strong guitar and keyboard textures flow over cross currents of rock, electronica, hip hop, tribal and trance beats. The latest celebration of the former New York indie rock duo's creative and personal relationship, Theory of Tides explores the changing nature of time and tide, love and life, with a blend of cool indie alt rock and a sexy dance vibe unique to TOT.
“The dynamics of fluidity, the pull of bodies in motion, the ebb and flow of attraction…”
- GalileoPartners in music…and life…Mirana and Rick Comstock’s latest band, Theory of Tides, is named after scientific theories that date back to Newton and Galileo. A rich representation of the multi-faceted musical duo’s creative and personal relationship, critics have called out Theory of Tides’ fusion of haunting vocals, brutally honest lyrics, strong guitar, bass and keyboard textures set against cross currents of electronica, hip hop, rock and trance beats.
Mirana and Rick each bring a special background to the mix. A multi-field creative, Mirana was raised in a family of noted writers, artists and musicians, including grandfather Konrad Bercovici, the original screenwriter for Chaplin’s The Great Dictator. Trained at Juilliard, Music and Art and Lee Strasberg, Mirana also tells her stories in award-winning screenplays, poetry and photography, with exhibits in NY and the Boston area.
Mirana first met up with producer/musician/husband Rick as part of a popular NY/NJ cover band, before leaving to start their own group. Rick studied rock and jazz guitar and played in bands from his early teens, including with local musicians from Asbury Park’s famed Stone Pony. He also subsequently designed, built and ran Soundspace Studio in downtown NY, hosting an exciting array of indie acts.
Their first original band together, Sighs Five, drew raves from rock press and crowds to such hot spots as CBGBs, The Bottom Line, Trax and Gilderseleeves, as well as airplay on NY and college rock radio. Later reincarnated as the harder rocking Secret Service, Mirana and Rick opened for Aerosmith’s Joe Perry, recorded at legendary Electric Lady Studio and Sorceror Sound and had multiple videos in rotation on MTV.
Subsequently moving to the Boston area, Rick built a digital studio in their beachside home where they now write, play and record as Theory of Tides. Unlike anything the Comstocks have done before, Mirana digs deep to write honestly about the joys and angers of relationships and the intricacies of communication. With its ebb and flow feeling, Theory of Tides reflects the changing nature of time and tide, love and life.
heart’s only broken in two
lucky you
heart’s only broken in two
lucky you
there’s a chance
someone will come along
and put it together
there’s a chance romance
will start your heart beating like new
mine’s in so many pieces
I can’t find them all
time will ease those memories
you'll feel the joy of love
time will heal those wounds
soon two will become one
mine’s in so many pieces
I can’t find them all
been looking all around
every time I think I’ve found
a piece of me it slips away
when day breaks
mine’s in so many pieces
I can’t find them all
mine’s in so many places
it will never mend again
heart’s only broken in two
lucky, lucky, lucky you
unlucky me
with the hate
maybe that would have been
easier for me to take
instead of this ricochet
between love and hate
every night and every day
it’s so much harder for my heart
when I look at you with love
and try to figure out how you could of
done that with them
said that
been him
maybe I should have stayed
with revenge
maybe I should have fought
till the bitter end, nothing forgiven
instead of letting it all be
everything, everyone unpunished
except me
how can I ever reconcile
the way I now feel with you
when all the while I know
that you're someone who's
done that with them
said that
been him
maybe i should have stayed
with the hate
it's just too late
maybe I ought to have turned away
stayed away
run away
when our eyes first met
thought it was fate
but fate twists both ways
maybe I should have stuck with my plan
stayed on my path
not got off for the love of a man
trust is an all or nothing thing
will I spend my life waiting
to be hurt once more
will it ever be like before you'd
done that with them
said that
been him
maybe I should have stayed
maybe I should have stayed away
maybe I should have stayed
with the hate
it’s just too late
can’t stay away
last summer was colder than winter
sunlight all bright and hard edges
wind blew right through me
whitecaps seemed like snow-covered
mountaintops to me
last summer was colder than winter
boys and girls voices drifted in
all laughing while I'm crying
like nothing bad could ever
happen to them
last summer
on holiday
from all sense of right or wrong
on vacay
from any memory of when
you said your heart belonged to me
so cold
last summer was colder than winter
blue skies
ice in my veins
felt like it would never melt again
even that day it was ninety eight
last summer was colder than winter
life was a beach
as I stared at each girl in a bikini
wondering which one you wished
you were with instead of me
last summer
on holiday
from all sense of right or wrong
on vacay
from any memory of when
you said your heart belonged to me
last summer was colder than winter
like in the middle of a snowglobe
you took my world
you shook my world
and it snowed and snowed
and snowed and snowed
last summer
was colder than winter
last summer
was colder than winter
such a trembling leaf
on this tree of life
out on a limb just waiting
for something
to blow me away from you
when did I become so unsure
of you, of me, of everything
when did I become so unsure
of your love
when did I learn to walk so well
on eggshells
not a word to disturb
this fragile truce between me and you
nothing to break us in two again
maybe I never really was secure
and it was there before
just waiting for somebody like you to
open up the door
and let all those ghosts out once more
when did I start reacting to
your bad moods
like they're about me not you
when did I begin running
when the phone rings
afraid of missing you
your voice something
to hang on to
when did I stop being the one
the only one
you'd come with and come home to
when did you stop being the one
who said no one
could come between me and you
when did we become so unsure
when did we become so undone
like a cloud with no silver lining
that’s waiting for me
this storm has so many warnings
that I don’t heed
this storm has thunder and lightning
but I’m not listening
like a wind gusting in to blow us away
out to sea, no place for me
to land for days and days and days
this storm has so many warnings
that I don’t heed
this storm has thunder and lightning
but I’m not listening
and I can’t seem to see…
seemed so calm
I felt safe and warm
it had died down
they were gone
I was so wrong
eye of the storm
this storm…this storm…this storm
like the sky goes light to dark so suddenly
no time for you and me
to make it home safely
will I be soaked to the bone and shivering
will I spend this night alone
without your company
CHORUS: repeat
this storm has so many warnings
that I need to heed
that I need to hear
that I need to see
I was so wrong
eye of the storm
this storm…this storm…this storm
no matter how good it feels
what soothes won’t always heal
no matter how good it feels
what soothes won’t always heal
got to party every night till dawn
I hardly ever sleep
never alone
buy lots of things
but nothing makes it home
CHORUS: repeat
a high a guy a list, I’m on it
no past. no future
just in the moment
lose myself then
morning finds me again
CHORUS: repeat
no matter how smooth
it always gets rough
no matter how hot
it always blows cold
no matter how close
it’s never close enough
CHORUS: repeat
a smile, a sigh, a lie
try to believe
everything’s all right
without you and me
but these scars are so deep
my heart keeps telling me
CHORUS: repeat
no matter how young
it always grows old
no matter how bright
it always goes dark
no matter how high
it always comes back down
to who I am
to who you are
CHORUS: repeat
no matter how hot
no matter how high
no matter how close
no matter how bright
no matter how smooth
if it’s not you
soothe me…soothe me
my emotional range
seems to have changed
the lows are still so low
but the high end isn't happenin'
sure I laugh, smile and joke
cry out when we make love
but the shadows are always lurking
and the high end isn't working
feeling anything...
like the rush when we first were
together again
like the hush of those early mornin's
in your arms, in your life once again
haven't felt that way lately
did all those love-hate freefalls break it
down too low to go
up where we were before
in the high end...has it all ended...
like the rush when we first were
together again
like the hush of those early mornin's
like the crush of my heart beatin'
against yours once more
haven't felt elated lately
my emotional range
seems to have changed
the lows are still so low
but the high end isn't happenin'
isn't workin', feelin' anythin'
I know we can get there again
just hold on tight
we'll get there tonight
I know we can begin again
reach those old heights
just hold on real tight
we'll get there tonight
afraid of falling
from where we’ve climbed
it took so much time
head in the clouds
so scared to look down
at where we were
the facts on the ground
I’m afraid to breathe
this rarified air
makes me dizzy
when we’re back up there
flying so high without a net
gotta hold tight
can’t ever let go
please don’t let me go
I’m afraid that the gravity
of what you did to me
will always pull us
from this ecstasy
the sky is mine
the sky is yours
how far will we soar
or will we fall
is it better to never
have flown at all
I’m afraid I’ve lost
my sense of balance
is it really you
I should hold on to
head over heels
in the spin I’m in
can’t tell what’s real
from what I’m imaginin’
I’m afraid…I’m afraid
I’m afraid of love
afraid of falling
in and out of
these feelings, still reeling
I’m afraid of us
afraid of what
happened back then
beginning again
the sky was mine
the sky was ours
the higher you soar
the more it hurts to fall
is it better to never
have flown at all
I’m afraid of heights
afraid of flying
I’m afraid of heights
afraid of falling
in and out of
love with you again
more than what's in front of me
but I'm too busy
concentrating on you and me
to care about the periphery
they say someday I'll hit the wall
may lose it all
but I can't look ahead
I'd rather look at you instead
no peripheral vision at all
don't care if I walk into walls
who knows what tomorrow may be
what's around the corner...not me
they say I should learn
from the past or I'll get burned
but this flame's so bright
I can't see what's left or right
I'm too blinded by your light
they say life's no mystery
if you have a clue
but I'm not searching
already found it here with you
CHORUS: repeat
you say you love me
that's all the future that I need
reflections of me
in your eyes are all I see
CHORUS: repeat
they say I
they say you
I say ahhhhhhhhh
all I see, all I see, all I see
is you and me
they say I should see
more than what's in front of me
but I'm too busy
concentrating on you and me
to care about the periphery
don’t romanticize
it’s real easy
for me to shine a light
on what happened here
you just reached that year
when men panic, didn’t you dear
inside, outside
you’re not who you think you are
it’s not your bold side
don’t you fantasize
you just followed
did what you were told
no matter how low
was it so adventurous
to forget all about us
inside, outside
you’re not who you think you are
upside, downside
they’re not who you think you are
your side, my side
you’ve got to decide
it’s not your party side
don’t you realize
you’re not the fun one
if it takes that much
to get it up, to get in touch
just how low
you must’ve been before
it’s not your dark side
don’t romanticize
it’s real easy
for me to shine a light
on what happened here
you just reached that year
when men panic
didn’t you, didn’t you, didn’t you dear
inside, outside
you’re not who you think you are
Contact Us
Please contact Mirana and Rick at: theoryoftides@gmail.com

"Mirana simply sang her heart out while she meshed in perfectly with Rick's production. She showed some very nice singing patterns along with some good melodies. I feel that the tracks "Periphery" and "Dark Side" are her best vocal performances on the album. This artist really seemed to be in charge as she was just in the zone musically. The all-around connection at the end with everything coming together beautifully proves that the tide is high."
One aspect that I truly loved about this album was the use of sounds and beats. The sound production is spot on with Rick bringing his A-Game. I heard everything from hip-hop, pop/dance, technoish, trance-like and tribal beats to a smoother-than-butter vibe on "Corner." This song also supplied a peaceful-spirited feel with a nice sentiment all played to light, bubbly & bouncy beat. To wrap matters up, the last two tracks bring you a hot club dance mix along with a futuristic flow. Cool, hip and modern beats are fully loaded on this new album and I simply can't get enough!
Worth noting that there are some cool guitar moments on "This Storm" and a simple yet strong piano presence on "Hour of Pain". Mirana belts out some hauntingly, deep-minded lyrics on "Ghosts" that really tug at your soul. The tide has rolled in for these life partners who hope to connect with millions of people on their new project."
Theory of Tides - Preview for Swept Away
Mirana & Rick Comstock are known as Theory of Tides and they are offering listeners a special 3-song teaser. These three tracks are designed to get you ready for the EP release of 'Swept Away'. Now we shall see if the Tides come crashing in and sweep you away; all in Theory of course.
Mirana is on vocals, keyboards & percussion while her musical partner Rick plays the role of guitarist, bassist, percussionist & producer. The Comstocks prove to be a winning team with the follow up to their 2009 debut release. Right away on the opener "Lucky You" you sense a lot of feeling coming from the voice of Mirana Comstock. This sensation makes sense since the song is about having your heart broken so Theory of Tides nailed it from an emotional standpoint. On the closing number "Colder Than Winter" you realize that "Last Summer" has come and gone for the duo but never forgotten. This song serves as a constant reminder that memories are always alive in us with some being pleasant and some being not so desirable. Whether good or bad, the memory is there and that is the point that Theory of Tides is trying to make here on "Colder Than Winter".
Vocally & lyrically, Mirana was reaching far as you could detect something very real & organic about her singing. Rick's musical ability equally shines as this pair prove to make music that speaks to a large audience. Theory of Tides continues to paint a visual landscape if you will through their music & words. The mix of elements is quite unique here and the best way to describe it all is nice, chill music. This 3-song preview has a very free-flowing tone to it with Mirana & Rick delivering one hypnotic sound.

Theory of Tides - Swept Away EP (CD)
"Lucky You" is an interesting pop track that ties together a current and contemporary sound with the synth-pop of the eighties along with the female singers of the mid-sixties. By bringing back these disparate styles and bundling them up with a bold new approach, what results in the Theory of Tides EP is nothing less than revolutionary. "Stay Away" is my favorite track on this album, as it provides an interesting frame for the female vocals. Where "Lucky You» operated on a specific blend of influences, "Stay Away" links together goth, Stevie Nicks-types of pop and even classical music to make a track that will never be forgotten.
While the constellation of influences adopted by Theory of Tides during this effort continue to change with subsequent tracks, the uniting force to these tracks has to be a dark, smoky allure to the act that never disappears. This appeal even manifests itself during "Colder Than Winter", a slower track that operates on more of a classical meets blues axis. This track is particularly notable due to the way in which synthesizers are used here.
The atmosphere and environment that are created with the instrumental arrangements do more for the telling of Theory of Tides story than any narration by the vocals; the two voices (musical and audible) that can thus be heard here push each part to their logical end. The three tracks on this release are impressive, but I want to hear how Theory of Tides have evolved in the full album format. Here's to hoping that the act can come out with a full length album before the end of the year, but if not, each of the tracks on the "Swept Away" EP have more than enough legs to keep listeners interested.
Top Tracks: Stay Away, Colder Than Winter
Theory of Tides(CD)
"Unsure" seems to exist in a weird space between the eighties New Romantic movement and the current backing instrumentation that singers like Britney Spears and Lady Gaga. Mirana's vocals further establish Theory of Tides as a truly special act, one that can use the widest possible swath of approaches to create the music heard here. "Karaoke" is Theory of Tides' first bona fide hit, with cohesion abounds between the instrumental and vocal sides of the act. This results in a track that rides a groove while Mirana's vocals clue listeners into a wonderfully detailed narrative. "No Stone Unturned" speeds things up substantially, while taking on a sound that is influenced by early Pet Shop Boys and Madonna. The vocals may be the leading feature during the track, but one cannot discount the synthesizers and percussion as less important. The atmosphere that these elements create is integral to properly contextualize the vocals; Theory of Tides have another interesting and intelligently-crafted track in this. Theory of Tides continues to innovate with their "Dark Side"; the Switchblade Symphony meets Stevie Nicks sound to the lyrics here is made the more haunting through the inclusion of additional vocal layers.
"Elated" comes forth with a wind-swept sound that, while rooted in an eighties dance style seems to touch the "futuristic" sound of a "Mr. Roboto" or "Subdivisions" -era Rush. For my money, "Elated" may just be the best track on this self-titled release due to the distance between the different influences that are tapped here. Theory of Tides, and this album specifically, should be seen as a blueprint for how to properly incorporate disparate genres of music into one cogent sound.
More so, Theory of Tides is able to come forth with their own unique sound, no matter how active or audible these other influences may be. While the dominant sound here would have to appeal most to those into dance, ambient, or electronic music, I feel that the fourteen compositions here are done with enough care and love to appeal to anyone that gives the disc a fair shake.
Top Tracks: Chemistry of Tears, This Storm
Rating: 8.7/10
Suite 101
CD Review: Theory of Tides' EP 'Swept Away' Blissful
Husband and wife duo Theory of Tides weave fluid electronic orchestrations with piercing lyrics in their three-song EP.
Sometimes the feeling is numbing. Sometimes the mood is reflective. Sometimes the synthesizer is like a dancing streamer on a foggy morning. Something in Theory of Tides' three-track EP Swept Away truly sweeps the listener to another place; a blissful state-of-mind . It is as though the background orchestrations are cooler air massaging over a moving body of water.
Rather Eclectic Sounds
The first track, "Lucky You" has this tingly start to it, almost like the song is tricking the listener it is going to be a heartthumping dance track. Instead, the mood is mellowed, and the vocals trickle along like more of New Age organic piece. It is rather eclectic - and sounds more electronic than acoustic; more Gaelic than granola.
Perhaps it is this writer's recent kick of watching the final season of Showtime's The Tudors, but the stream of consciousness lends itself that there is something very European, daunting about this song. It feels other worldly. It is not baroque or overdone, it is simplistic and eerily moving in the background. It like a water is dripping over the wall of sound.
Mirana Comstock (vocals, keys, percussion) has this presence to her that is modest, yet charging. Her husband, Rich, is seamless in his work on the guitar, bass and percussion. This track is not heavy on the percussion, but the tones and rhythm shine.
Leaves the Listener in a Cooler Mood
The second track "Stay Away" is consistent to the sound found in "Lucky You" but leaves the listener in a 'cooler' mood. It has this foggier sound to it, darker mood. It is very enjoyable, though! The lyrics trigger the listener.
The final track "Colder Than Winter" strangely enough did not leave this writer in a 'colder' mood than "Stay Away." It does bring a shiver to the listener in a way that breathes a new energy than the previous tracks. "Colder Than Winter" is the second favorite of the three tracks. Perhaps the Massachusetts-based couple found solace in the dreary winters mixed with the blazing heat of summer in their East Coast home.
Pens Eye View Interview with Theory of Tides
Read the interview hereFinding a Groove
Mirana Comstock of Theory of Tides Talks to RockWired About Their Self-Titled Debut a Life in Music and Forginga
Dancier Sound
Read the interview here
Jimmy Rae Flows along with Mirana Comstock of Theory of Tides
Read the interview hereNotable Review Quotes
"Mirana's vocals further establish Theory of Tides as a truly special act, one that can use the widest possible
swath of approaches to create the music heard here."
- NeuFutur
"Cool, hip and modern beats are fully loaded on this new album and I simply can't get enough!"
Skope Entertainment
"...it's like alternative trance music, with brief smatterings of hip hop/latin beats. Arty, yes - but does it
work? Actually, yes."
- eMusic
"Theory of Tides, and this album specifically, should be seen as a blueprint for how to properly incorporate
disparate genres of music into one congent sound."
- NeuFutur
"...Mirana simply sang her heart out while she meshed in perfectly with Rick's production the all around connection
at the end with everything coming together beautifully proves that the tide is high."
- Skope Entertainment
"Karaoke is Theory of Tide's first bona fide hit, with cohesion abounds between the instrumental and vocal
sides of the act. This results in a track that rides a groove while Mirana's vocals clue listeners into a
wonderfully detailed narrative."
- NeuFutur
"Track's like 'Elated' have an Ibiza-in-summer feel and a deep house beat underneath Mirana's distinctive vocals.
'Hour of Pain' is built on a swishing cymbol beat and keyboard chords, and again it works - the vocal fades and
quiet bass additions are spot on."
- eMusic
"One aspect that I truly loved about his album was the use of sounds and beats. The sound production is spot on
with Rick bringing his A-game. I heard everything from hip-hop, pop/dance, technoish, trance and tribal beats..."
- Skope Entertainment
“A blueprint for how to combine disparate genres into one cogent sound. Mirana’s vocals further establish TOT as a very special act.”
- Neu FuturHaunting vocals, brutally honest lyrics, strong guitar and keyboard textures flow over cross currents of rock, electronica, hip hop, tribal and trance beats. The latest celebration of the former New York indie rock duo's creative and personal relationship, Theory of Tides explores the changing nature of time and tide, love and life, with a blend of cool indie alt rock and a sexy dance vibe unique to TOT.
“The dynamics of fluidity, the pull of bodies in motion, the ebb and flow of attraction…”
- GalileoPartners in music…and life…Mirana and Rick Comstock’s latest band, Theory of Tides, is named after scientific theories that date back to Newton and Galileo. A rich representation of the multi-faceted musical duo’s creative and personal relationship, critics have called out Theory of Tides’ fusion of haunting vocals, brutally honest lyrics, strong guitar, bass and keyboard textures set against cross currents of electronica, hip hop, rock and trance beats.
Mirana and Rick each bring a special background to the mix. A multi-field creative, Mirana was raised in a family of noted writers, artists and musicians, including grandfather Konrad Bercovici, the original screenwriter for Chaplin’s The Great Dictator. Trained at Juilliard, Music and Art and Lee Strasberg, Mirana also tells her stories in award-winning screenplays, poetry and photography, with exhibits in NY and the Boston area.
Mirana first met up with producer/musician/husband Rick as part of a popular NY/NJ cover band, before leaving to start their own group. Rick studied rock and jazz guitar and played in bands from his early teens, including with local musicians from Asbury Park’s famed Stone Pony. He also subsequently designed, built and ran Soundspace Studio in downtown NY, hosting an exciting array of indie acts.
Their first original band together, Sighs Five, drew raves from rock press and crowds to such hot spots as CBGBs, The Bottom Line, Trax and Gilderseleeves, as well as airplay on NY and college rock radio. Later reincarnated as the harder rocking Secret Service, Mirana and Rick opened for Aerosmith’s Joe Perry, recorded at legendary Electric Lady Studio and Sorceror Sound and had multiple videos in rotation on MTV.
Subsequently moving to the Boston area, Rick built a digital studio in their beachside home where they now write, play and record as Theory of Tides. Unlike anything the Comstocks have done before, Mirana digs deep to write honestly about the joys and angers of relationships and the intricacies of communication. With its ebb and flow feeling, Theory of Tides reflects the changing nature of time and tide, love and life.
heart’s only broken in two
lucky you
heart’s only broken in two
lucky you
there’s a chance
someone will come along
and put it together
there’s a chance romance
will start your heart beating like new
mine’s in so many pieces
I can’t find them all
time will ease those memories
you'll feel the joy of love
time will heal those wounds
soon two will become one
mine’s in so many pieces
I can’t find them all
been looking all around
every time I think I’ve found
a piece of me it slips away
when day breaks
mine’s in so many pieces
I can’t find them all
mine’s in so many places
it will never mend again
heart’s only broken in two
lucky, lucky, lucky you
unlucky me
with the hate
maybe that would have been
easier for me to take
instead of this ricochet
between love and hate
every night and every day
it’s so much harder for my heart
when I look at you with love
and try to figure out how you could of
done that with them
said that
been him
maybe I should have stayed
with revenge
maybe I should have fought
till the bitter end, nothing forgiven
instead of letting it all be
everything, everyone unpunished
except me
how can I ever reconcile
the way I now feel with you
when all the while I know
that you're someone who's
done that with them
said that
been him
maybe i should have stayed
with the hate
it's just too late
maybe I ought to have turned away
stayed away
run away
when our eyes first met
thought it was fate
but fate twists both ways
maybe I should have stuck with my plan
stayed on my path
not got off for the love of a man
trust is an all or nothing thing
will I spend my life waiting
to be hurt once more
will it ever be like before you'd
done that with them
said that
been him
maybe I should have stayed
maybe I should have stayed away
maybe I should have stayed
with the hate
it’s just too late
can’t stay away
last summer was colder than winter
sunlight all bright and hard edges
wind blew right through me
whitecaps seemed like snow-covered
mountaintops to me
last summer was colder than winter
boys and girls voices drifted in
all laughing while I'm crying
like nothing bad could ever
happen to them
last summer
on holiday
from all sense of right or wrong
on vacay
from any memory of when
you said your heart belonged to me
so cold
last summer was colder than winter
blue skies
ice in my veins
felt like it would never melt again
even that day it was ninety eight
last summer was colder than winter
life was a beach
as I stared at each girl in a bikini
wondering which one you wished
you were with instead of me
last summer
on holiday
from all sense of right or wrong
on vacay
from any memory of when
you said your heart belonged to me
last summer was colder than winter
like in the middle of a snowglobe
you took my world
you shook my world
and it snowed and snowed
and snowed and snowed
last summer
was colder than winter
last summer
was colder than winter
such a trembling leaf
on this tree of life
out on a limb just waiting
for something
to blow me away from you
when did I become so unsure
of you, of me, of everything
when did I become so unsure
of your love
when did I learn to walk so well
on eggshells
not a word to disturb
this fragile truce between me and you
nothing to break us in two again
maybe I never really was secure
and it was there before
just waiting for somebody like you to
open up the door
and let all those ghosts out once more
when did I start reacting to
your bad moods
like they're about me not you
when did I begin running
when the phone rings
afraid of missing you
your voice something
to hang on to
when did I stop being the one
the only one
you'd come with and come home to
when did you stop being the one
who said no one
could come between me and you
when did we become so unsure
when did we become so undone
like a cloud with no silver lining
that’s waiting for me
this storm has so many warnings
that I don’t heed
this storm has thunder and lightning
but I’m not listening
like a wind gusting in to blow us away
out to sea, no place for me
to land for days and days and days
this storm has so many warnings
that I don’t heed
this storm has thunder and lightning
but I’m not listening
and I can’t seem to see…
seemed so calm
I felt safe and warm
it had died down
they were gone
I was so wrong
eye of the storm
this storm…this storm…this storm
like the sky goes light to dark so suddenly
no time for you and me
to make it home safely
will I be soaked to the bone and shivering
will I spend this night alone
without your company
CHORUS: repeat
this storm has so many warnings
that I need to heed
that I need to hear
that I need to see
I was so wrong
eye of the storm
this storm…this storm…this storm
no matter how good it feels
what soothes won’t always heal
no matter how good it feels
what soothes won’t always heal
got to party every night till dawn
I hardly ever sleep
never alone
buy lots of things
but nothing makes it home
CHORUS: repeat
a high a guy a list, I’m on it
no past. no future
just in the moment
lose myself then
morning finds me again
CHORUS: repeat
no matter how smooth
it always gets rough
no matter how hot
it always blows cold
no matter how close
it’s never close enough
CHORUS: repeat
a smile, a sigh, a lie
try to believe
everything’s all right
without you and me
but these scars are so deep
my heart keeps telling me
CHORUS: repeat
no matter how young
it always grows old
no matter how bright
it always goes dark
no matter how high
it always comes back down
to who I am
to who you are
CHORUS: repeat
no matter how hot
no matter how high
no matter how close
no matter how bright
no matter how smooth
if it’s not you
soothe me…soothe me
my emotional range
seems to have changed
the lows are still so low
but the high end isn't happenin'
sure I laugh, smile and joke
cry out when we make love
but the shadows are always lurking
and the high end isn't working
feeling anything...
like the rush when we first were
together again
like the hush of those early mornin's
in your arms, in your life once again
haven't felt that way lately
did all those love-hate freefalls break it
down too low to go
up where we were before
in the high end...has it all ended...
like the rush when we first were
together again
like the hush of those early mornin's
like the crush of my heart beatin'
against yours once more
haven't felt elated lately
my emotional range
seems to have changed
the lows are still so low
but the high end isn't happenin'
isn't workin', feelin' anythin'
I know we can get there again
just hold on tight
we'll get there tonight
I know we can begin again
reach those old heights
just hold on real tight
we'll get there tonight
afraid of falling
from where we’ve climbed
it took so much time
head in the clouds
so scared to look down
at where we were
the facts on the ground
I’m afraid to breathe
this rarified air
makes me dizzy
when we’re back up there
flying so high without a net
gotta hold tight
can’t ever let go
please don’t let me go
I’m afraid that the gravity
of what you did to me
will always pull us
from this ecstasy
the sky is mine
the sky is yours
how far will we soar
or will we fall
is it better to never
have flown at all
I’m afraid I’ve lost
my sense of balance
is it really you
I should hold on to
head over heels
in the spin I’m in
can’t tell what’s real
from what I’m imaginin’
I’m afraid…I’m afraid
I’m afraid of love
afraid of falling
in and out of
these feelings, still reeling
I’m afraid of us
afraid of what
happened back then
beginning again
the sky was mine
the sky was ours
the higher you soar
the more it hurts to fall
is it better to never
have flown at all
I’m afraid of heights
afraid of flying
I’m afraid of heights
afraid of falling
in and out of
love with you again
more than what's in front of me
but I'm too busy
concentrating on you and me
to care about the periphery
they say someday I'll hit the wall
may lose it all
but I can't look ahead
I'd rather look at you instead
no peripheral vision at all
don't care if I walk into walls
who knows what tomorrow may be
what's around the corner...not me
they say I should learn
from the past or I'll get burned
but this flame's so bright
I can't see what's left or right
I'm too blinded by your light
they say life's no mystery
if you have a clue
but I'm not searching
already found it here with you
CHORUS: repeat
you say you love me
that's all the future that I need
reflections of me
in your eyes are all I see
CHORUS: repeat
they say I
they say you
I say ahhhhhhhhh
all I see, all I see, all I see
is you and me
they say I should see
more than what's in front of me
but I'm too busy
concentrating on you and me
to care about the periphery
don’t romanticize
it’s real easy
for me to shine a light
on what happened here
you just reached that year
when men panic, didn’t you dear
inside, outside
you’re not who you think you are
it’s not your bold side
don’t you fantasize
you just followed
did what you were told
no matter how low
was it so adventurous
to forget all about us
inside, outside
you’re not who you think you are
upside, downside
they’re not who you think you are
your side, my side
you’ve got to decide
it’s not your party side
don’t you realize
you’re not the fun one
if it takes that much
to get it up, to get in touch
just how low
you must’ve been before
it’s not your dark side
don’t romanticize
it’s real easy
for me to shine a light
on what happened here
you just reached that year
when men panic
didn’t you, didn’t you, didn’t you dear
inside, outside
you’re not who you think you are
Contact Us
Please contact Mirana and Rick at: theoryoftides@gmail.com

"Mirana simply sang her heart out while she meshed in perfectly with Rick's production. She showed some very nice singing patterns along with some good melodies. I feel that the tracks "Periphery" and "Dark Side" are her best vocal performances on the album. This artist really seemed to be in charge as she was just in the zone musically. The all-around connection at the end with everything coming together beautifully proves that the tide is high."
One aspect that I truly loved about this album was the use of sounds and beats. The sound production is spot on with Rick bringing his A-Game. I heard everything from hip-hop, pop/dance, technoish, trance-like and tribal beats to a smoother-than-butter vibe on "Corner." This song also supplied a peaceful-spirited feel with a nice sentiment all played to light, bubbly & bouncy beat. To wrap matters up, the last two tracks bring you a hot club dance mix along with a futuristic flow. Cool, hip and modern beats are fully loaded on this new album and I simply can't get enough!
Worth noting that there are some cool guitar moments on "This Storm" and a simple yet strong piano presence on "Hour of Pain". Mirana belts out some hauntingly, deep-minded lyrics on "Ghosts" that really tug at your soul. The tide has rolled in for these life partners who hope to connect with millions of people on their new project."
Theory of Tides - Preview for Swept Away
Mirana & Rick Comstock are known as Theory of Tides and they are offering listeners a special 3-song teaser. These three tracks are designed to get you ready for the EP release of 'Swept Away'. Now we shall see if the Tides come crashing in and sweep you away; all in Theory of course.
Mirana is on vocals, keyboards & percussion while her musical partner Rick plays the role of guitarist, bassist, percussionist & producer. The Comstocks prove to be a winning team with the follow up to their 2009 debut release. Right away on the opener "Lucky You" you sense a lot of feeling coming from the voice of Mirana Comstock. This sensation makes sense since the song is about having your heart broken so Theory of Tides nailed it from an emotional standpoint. On the closing number "Colder Than Winter" you realize that "Last Summer" has come and gone for the duo but never forgotten. This song serves as a constant reminder that memories are always alive in us with some being pleasant and some being not so desirable. Whether good or bad, the memory is there and that is the point that Theory of Tides is trying to make here on "Colder Than Winter".
Vocally & lyrically, Mirana was reaching far as you could detect something very real & organic about her singing. Rick's musical ability equally shines as this pair prove to make music that speaks to a large audience. Theory of Tides continues to paint a visual landscape if you will through their music & words. The mix of elements is quite unique here and the best way to describe it all is nice, chill music. This 3-song preview has a very free-flowing tone to it with Mirana & Rick delivering one hypnotic sound.

Theory of Tides - Swept Away EP (CD)
"Lucky You" is an interesting pop track that ties together a current and contemporary sound with the synth-pop of the eighties along with the female singers of the mid-sixties. By bringing back these disparate styles and bundling them up with a bold new approach, what results in the Theory of Tides EP is nothing less than revolutionary. "Stay Away" is my favorite track on this album, as it provides an interesting frame for the female vocals. Where "Lucky You» operated on a specific blend of influences, "Stay Away" links together goth, Stevie Nicks-types of pop and even classical music to make a track that will never be forgotten.
While the constellation of influences adopted by Theory of Tides during this effort continue to change with subsequent tracks, the uniting force to these tracks has to be a dark, smoky allure to the act that never disappears. This appeal even manifests itself during "Colder Than Winter", a slower track that operates on more of a classical meets blues axis. This track is particularly notable due to the way in which synthesizers are used here.
The atmosphere and environment that are created with the instrumental arrangements do more for the telling of Theory of Tides story than any narration by the vocals; the two voices (musical and audible) that can thus be heard here push each part to their logical end. The three tracks on this release are impressive, but I want to hear how Theory of Tides have evolved in the full album format. Here's to hoping that the act can come out with a full length album before the end of the year, but if not, each of the tracks on the "Swept Away" EP have more than enough legs to keep listeners interested.
Top Tracks: Stay Away, Colder Than Winter
Theory of Tides(CD)
"Unsure" seems to exist in a weird space between the eighties New Romantic movement and the current backing instrumentation that singers like Britney Spears and Lady Gaga. Mirana's vocals further establish Theory of Tides as a truly special act, one that can use the widest possible swath of approaches to create the music heard here. "Karaoke" is Theory of Tides' first bona fide hit, with cohesion abounds between the instrumental and vocal sides of the act. This results in a track that rides a groove while Mirana's vocals clue listeners into a wonderfully detailed narrative. "No Stone Unturned" speeds things up substantially, while taking on a sound that is influenced by early Pet Shop Boys and Madonna. The vocals may be the leading feature during the track, but one cannot discount the synthesizers and percussion as less important. The atmosphere that these elements create is integral to properly contextualize the vocals; Theory of Tides have another interesting and intelligently-crafted track in this. Theory of Tides continues to innovate with their "Dark Side"; the Switchblade Symphony meets Stevie Nicks sound to the lyrics here is made the more haunting through the inclusion of additional vocal layers.
"Elated" comes forth with a wind-swept sound that, while rooted in an eighties dance style seems to touch the "futuristic" sound of a "Mr. Roboto" or "Subdivisions" -era Rush. For my money, "Elated" may just be the best track on this self-titled release due to the distance between the different influences that are tapped here. Theory of Tides, and this album specifically, should be seen as a blueprint for how to properly incorporate disparate genres of music into one cogent sound.
More so, Theory of Tides is able to come forth with their own unique sound, no matter how active or audible these other influences may be. While the dominant sound here would have to appeal most to those into dance, ambient, or electronic music, I feel that the fourteen compositions here are done with enough care and love to appeal to anyone that gives the disc a fair shake.
Top Tracks: Chemistry of Tears, This Storm
Rating: 8.7/10
Suite 101
CD Review: Theory of Tides' EP 'Swept Away' Blissful
Husband and wife duo Theory of Tides weave fluid electronic orchestrations with piercing lyrics in their three-song EP.
Sometimes the feeling is numbing. Sometimes the mood is reflective. Sometimes the synthesizer is like a dancing streamer on a foggy morning. Something in Theory of Tides' three-track EP Swept Away truly sweeps the listener to another place; a blissful state-of-mind . It is as though the background orchestrations are cooler air massaging over a moving body of water.
Rather Eclectic Sounds
The first track, "Lucky You" has this tingly start to it, almost like the song is tricking the listener it is going to be a heartthumping dance track. Instead, the mood is mellowed, and the vocals trickle along like more of New Age organic piece. It is rather eclectic - and sounds more electronic than acoustic; more Gaelic than granola.
Perhaps it is this writer's recent kick of watching the final season of Showtime's The Tudors, but the stream of consciousness lends itself that there is something very European, daunting about this song. It feels other worldly. It is not baroque or overdone, it is simplistic and eerily moving in the background. It like a water is dripping over the wall of sound.
Mirana Comstock (vocals, keys, percussion) has this presence to her that is modest, yet charging. Her husband, Rich, is seamless in his work on the guitar, bass and percussion. This track is not heavy on the percussion, but the tones and rhythm shine.
Leaves the Listener in a Cooler Mood
The second track "Stay Away" is consistent to the sound found in "Lucky You" but leaves the listener in a 'cooler' mood. It has this foggier sound to it, darker mood. It is very enjoyable, though! The lyrics trigger the listener.
The final track "Colder Than Winter" strangely enough did not leave this writer in a 'colder' mood than "Stay Away." It does bring a shiver to the listener in a way that breathes a new energy than the previous tracks. "Colder Than Winter" is the second favorite of the three tracks. Perhaps the Massachusetts-based couple found solace in the dreary winters mixed with the blazing heat of summer in their East Coast home.
Pens Eye View Interview with Theory of Tides
Read the interview hereFinding a Groove
Mirana Comstock of Theory of Tides Talks to RockWired About Their Self-Titled Debut a Life in Music and Forginga
Dancier Sound
Read the interview here
Jimmy Rae Flows along with Mirana Comstock of Theory of Tides
Read the interview hereNotable Review Quotes
"Mirana's vocals further establish Theory of Tides as a truly special act, one that can use the widest possible
swath of approaches to create the music heard here."
- NeuFutur
"Cool, hip and modern beats are fully loaded on this new album and I simply can't get enough!"
Skope Entertainment
"...it's like alternative trance music, with brief smatterings of hip hop/latin beats. Arty, yes - but does it
work? Actually, yes."
- eMusic
"Theory of Tides, and this album specifically, should be seen as a blueprint for how to properly incorporate
disparate genres of music into one congent sound."
- NeuFutur
"...Mirana simply sang her heart out while she meshed in perfectly with Rick's production the all around connection
at the end with everything coming together beautifully proves that the tide is high."
- Skope Entertainment
"Karaoke is Theory of Tide's first bona fide hit, with cohesion abounds between the instrumental and vocal
sides of the act. This results in a track that rides a groove while Mirana's vocals clue listeners into a
wonderfully detailed narrative."
- NeuFutur
"Track's like 'Elated' have an Ibiza-in-summer feel and a deep house beat underneath Mirana's distinctive vocals.
'Hour of Pain' is built on a swishing cymbol beat and keyboard chords, and again it works - the vocal fades and
quiet bass additions are spot on."
- eMusic
"One aspect that I truly loved about his album was the use of sounds and beats. The sound production is spot on
with Rick bringing his A-game. I heard everything from hip-hop, pop/dance, technoish, trance and tribal beats..."
- Skope Entertainment